KakkoKari (仮) Another (data) science blog. By Alessandro Morita

Dribbling through Jensen's inequality

I recently published a short discussion (in Portuguese) on LinkedIn about how Jensen’s inequality complicates the process of building regressions for transformations of an original variable. More specifically, we discussed how

\[\boxed{\exp(\mathbb E[\log(Y)] \leq \mathbb E[Y]}\]

This is due to $x\mapsto \log x$ being concave and both it and its inverse, $\exp$, being monotonically increasing.

When does this problem arise? One commonly needs to deal with regression problems spanning many orders of magnitude; an example might be to build a regression model to estimate an individual’s income $Y$ as a function of their features $X=x$. Since income is a non-negative quantity, one commonly builds a regression model for $\log(Y)$ instead of $Y$. What the result above shows is that this will consistently underestimate the actual values.

There are a few possible solutions:

1. Use quantiles, not means

The issue above essentially comes from the usage of the expectation value function $\mathbb E[\cdot]$. We know that, in regression, using the L2 loss (aka mean square error) is equivalent to finding the conditional expected value of $Y$ given $X$:

\[u(x) = \arg \min \mathbb E[(Y-u)^2 \vert X=x] \iff u(x) = \mathbb E[Y\vert X=x]\]

Similarly, the median appears naturally if we change from the L2 to L1 loss:

\[u(x) = \arg \min \mathbb E[\vert Y-u \vert \; \vert X=x] \iff u(x) = \mathrm{median}(Y\vert X=x)\]

Above, we used that for any random variable $W$ with CDF $F_W$, then $\mathrm{median}(W) = F_W^{-1}(1/2)$.

It is not hard to prove that, if $g$ is a strictly increasing function (as is the case of the logarithm), then

\[\boxed{\mathrm{median}(g(W)) = g(\mathrm{median}(W))}\]

for any random variable $W$. We will choose it as $Y\vert X=x$. We can further apply $g^{-1}$ (the exponential) to both sides, and get

\[\begin{align*} \exp (\mathrm{median}(\log(Y\vert X=x))) &= \exp(\log(\mathrm{median}(Y\vert X=x)))\\ &= \mathrm{median}(Y\vert X=x) \end{align*}\]

Hence, we can remediate our problem with the following algorithm:

Algorithm 1 (median retransformation)

\[\tilde h(x) = \exp(h(x))\]

This discussion naturally extends beyond the median - it should work for any other quantile we choose. Letting the quantile function for any quantile $q \in [0,1]$ be

\[Q_q(Y\vert X=x) := F_{Y\vert X=x}^{-1}(q)\]

then it holds that

\[\boxed{\exp (Q_q(\log(Y\vert X=x))) = Q_q(Y\vert X=x)))}\]

This means we can generalize Algorithm 1 by using quantile regression instead of just the median.

2. Smearing estimates

The smearing estimate was introduced in Duan (1983) as a non-parametric approach to correcting the retransformed variable. Below, we reiterate the original paper’s logic but going beyond linear regression.

To make our notation clear, we consider a regression problem: the random variables $(X,Y)$ are jointly distributed with $Y$ taking strictly positive values.

Our discussion focuses on the $\log / \exp$ pair; however, it is much more general and applies to basically any function.

We let $\eta \equiv \log(Y)$ be the log-transformed variable.

Simple case: normally-distributed logs

By definition, if the log of a variable $Z$ is normally distributed, then $Z$ follows a log-normal distribution. In our case,

\[\eta\vert X=x \; \sim \mathcal N(\mu(x), \sigma^2(x)) \quad \Rightarrow\quad Y\vert X=x\; \sim \mathrm{LogNormal}(\mu(x), \sigma^2(x))\]

We know that, for a log-normal variable,

\[\mathbb E[Y\vert X=x] = \exp\left[ \mu(x) + \frac 12 \sigma^2(x) \right]\]

Hence, assume we have built a regression model

\[h(x) \approx \mathbb E[\eta \vert X=x] \quad \mbox{(approximates $\mu(x)$)}\]

and its mean squared error

\[s^2(x) \approx \mathbb E[(\eta - h(x))^2\vert X=x] \quad \mbox{(approximates $\sigma^2(x)$)} ;\]

we can then build a “fixed” regressor for the original variable $Y$ as

\[f(x) \approx \mathbb E[Y\vert X=x] = \exp \left[h(x) + \frac 12 s^2(x)\right]\]

This is what some people (and Wikipedia) wrongly call the smearing retransformation. This is only valid in the normal case, whereas the smearning retransformation works for any distribution.

Non-normal case

Since the hypothesis that $\eta\vert X$ is normal is quite strong, let us relax it. First, define the residuals $\epsilon(x)$ via the usual notion: the difference between the actual variable and whatever model we might have built:

\[\epsilon(x) \equiv [\eta - h(x)\vert X=x]\]

Notice that $\epsilon(x)$ is a random variable for any $x$.

Assume, for now, that the distribution of $\epsilon(x)$ is known, with CDF

\[F_x(\epsilon) = \mathbb P(\epsilon(x) \leq \epsilon),\quad \epsilon \in \mathbb R\]

Our goal is to estimate $Y\vert X=x$ by somehow exponentiating $\eta$, which is, conditioned on $X=x$, simply $h(x) + \epsilon(x)$. Well then; define this estimate as

\[\tilde Y \vert X=x \;\; := \exp\left[ h(x) + \epsilon(x)\right]\]

Notice how the right-hand side has two terms: a deterministic one, $h(x)$ (which is just the regression model we built on the log-transformed variables) and a random one, $\epsilon(x)$.

We can then calculate

\[\begin{align*} \mathbb E[\tilde Y\vert X=x] &= \mathbb E[\exp\left[ h(x) + \epsilon(x)\right]]\\ &= \int_\mathbb{R} \exp\left[ h(x) + \epsilon\right] dF_x(\epsilon) \end{align*}\]

So far, everything we have done has been exact. The issue is we do not have access to $F_x$; we can only estimate it via observations, so this is exactly what we will do.

Assume, finally, we have $n$ iid observations $(X_i=x_i, Y_i = y_i)_{i=1}^n$. Letting $\eta_i = \log(y_i)$, we define the observed residuals

\[\epsilon_i \equiv \eta_i - h(x_i)\]

and build the empirical CDF

\[\hat F_x(\epsilon) = \frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^n 1_{\epsilon_i \leq\epsilon}.\]

Plugging this into the expression for the expected value above, the integral collapses into a sum, and we have

\[\begin{align*} \mathbb E[\tilde Y\vert X=x] &=\int_\mathbb{R} \exp\left[ h(x) + \epsilon\right] dF_x(\epsilon)\\ &\approx \frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^n \exp \left[ h(x) + \epsilon_i \right]\\ &= \frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^n \exp \left[ h(x) - h(x_i) + \eta_i \right]. \end{align*}\]

If we were not using an exponential, but a general function, the calculation would stop here; however, we can profit from the fact that the exponential of a sum is the product of the exponentials to simplify and take the $x$ dependence out of the sum:

\[\begin{align*} \sum_{i=1}^n\exp\left[ h(x) - h(x_i) + \eta_i \right] &= \exp[h(x)] \sum_{i=1}^n \exp[-h(x_i)] \exp[\log(y_i)] \\ &= \exp[h(x)] \left[ \sum_{i=1}^n y_i \exp[-h(x_i)] \right] \end{align*}\]

This allows us to build Algorithm 2 below:

Algorithm 2 (smearing retransformation)



\[\boxed{C = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{ y_i}{ e^{h(x_i)}}}\]

Illustrating all this numerically with a very simple example

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import random

We will create a dataset which naturally spans many orders of magnitude, aided by the Pareto distribution. Then, we will apply algorithms 1 and 2 above, as well as an “algorithm 0” which is just applying the inverse function to the regression result.

To make things easy, we don’t use any covariates; the best estimator in log-space will then be just the average.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8,3))
y = random.pareto(0.8, size=2000)
ax[0].hist(y, bins=int(np.sqrt(len(y))))
ax[0].set_title("Histogram"); ax[0].set_xlabel("y")
ax[1].hist(np.log(y), bins=int(np.sqrt(len(y))))
ax[1].set_title("Histogram in log-scale"); ax[1].set_xlabel("log(y)")


eta = np.log(y)
# best estimator in log space is the mean
h = np.mean(eta)
print("Mean in log space:", round(h,3))
    Mean in log space: 0.33
real_mean = np.mean(y)
print("Mean in absolute space:", round(real_mean,3))
    Mean in absolute space: 18.216

Strategy 0: naive exponentiation

naive_mean = np.exp(h)
print("Retransformed mean (naive):", round(naive_mean,3))
    Retransformed mean (naive): 1.391

The naive transformation is about 13x smaller than the actual mean, beautifully illustrating Jensen’s inequality.

Strategy 1: median

exp_median_log = np.exp(np.median(eta))
median_real = np.median(y)
print("Original median:", round(exp_median_log,3))
print("Retransformed median:", round(median_real,3))
    Original median: 1.211
    Retransformed median: 1.211

Naturally, both are equal - this is expected since medians care only about ordering, and both $\exp$ and $\log$ preserve the ordering of points.

Strategy 2: smearing

First, we calculate the smearning correction factor: since $h(x_i) \equiv \bar \eta$ is a constant, we take it out of the sum and get

\[C = \frac{1}{n e^{\bar \eta}} \sum_{i=1}^n y_i = \frac{\bar y}{\exp(\bar \eta)}\]
mean_eta = np.mean(eta)
smearing_correction = np.mean(y) / np.exp(mean_eta)
print("Correction factor:", round(smearing_correction,2))
    Correction factor: 13.09
print("Smeared estimator:", round(smearing_correction * np.exp(h),3))
    Smeared estimator: 18.216

We get back the true mean. We have, of course, cheated - with $h$ being constant, it is easy to see that the smearing estimator will simply return $\bar y$. This is not an issue per se - it just shows that this approach works well in the trivial case of no regressors!

Next steps

\[C = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{y_i}{e^{h(x_i)}} \approx \mathbb E \left[\frac{Y}{e^{h(X)}}\right]\]

I wonder if there is an easy way to interpret it (maybe a Radon-Nikodym derivative?). Also, it can probably be well-approximated by a small subset of the dataset; instead of summing from 1 to $n$, maybe some $n’ < n$ will do.